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The church is now open to full capacity.  Proof of vaccine is required in addition to all other covid protocols.

As you’d expect, there are several guidelines in place to ensure your safe return to church services.

  • Seating will be limited based on both social distancing and a percentage of our normal capacity. 

  • Seating will be provided on a first come, first served basis.  

  • If you are not feeling well or have a new cough, cold, or fever, please stay home to protect yourself and your fellow congregants.

  • If you are healthy and have not traveled outside of Canada, we look forward to seeing you!

  • You may want to come a bit early as it may take additional time to record attendance and seat everyone.

  • Upon entry to the church, you will be required to do the following.

    • Wear your face mask and/or shield throughout the service and until you leave the building.

    • Please keep 6 feet apart as you enter, exit and travel in the building.

    • Use the hand sanitizer at the front entrance or the one just before you go to the pews.

    • Take your coats with you into the church to avoid a backup in the narthex

    • Please do not sit in taped off areas and pews as these taped areas help to ensure appropriate social distancing. A family sitting together in a pew count as one group. Each group should be at least 6’ from the next person or group within a given pew.

    • Please place your weekly donation in the collection plate as you enter or leave. A collection plate will not be passed during the service.

  • Note that there can be only one person in a washroom at a time. This applies to both multi-cubicle and single person washrooms.

  • We are unable to sing our beloved Hymns out loud and cannot offer tea, coffee or snacks after service.

  • Please take some time to acknowledge other members you have not seen for awhile; but maintain appropriate social distancing.

  • You are  invited to bring a bottle of water with you to use during the service as needed.

Should the Covid status change for York Region, we will notify you of any resulting changes to our opening status.

While this is a stressful time in our history, we are thankful that we are able to worship and pray together once again.

Regards –Your Board

St. Matthew's United Church 905-884-3606

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