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Official Board


The Official Board meets once a month from September to June.  The chairperson for each of the church committees is on the Official Board.

Foot Clinics


Once a month a registered nurse comes to St. Matthew's to provide foot care services.  This is by appointment only.  The cost is $35, and a receipt will be provided to claim this medical expense, if you have insurance coverage for this. Appointments are made by phoning Spectrum Health Services at 1-800-690-5474. Ask for Sylvia ext. 2163 or Melissa at ext. 8222.    

Worship Committee


The Worship Committee plans all special services.  This committee organizes communion services and all aspects of the regular worship  service.

Christian Education & Outreach Committee (CE&O)


The CEO committee hold fundraisers such as a High Tea and Soup & Bun luncheons to enable the church to support local and international charity organizations. Local groups receiving support include 360 Kids, Hill House Hospice, Richmond Hill Food Bank, Fill a Purse for a Sister, and Krasman Group.

Fill a Purse for a Sister taken by Val McMurdo.png
Finance Committee


The Finance Committee tracks all donations and ensures that all expenses are paid.  


Catering group (UCW)


St. Matthew's has a very active group that provides catering for events at the church and at other venues.   Revenues from these catering events are used to assist with financing church projects/

Committee Meeting days


Official Board
3rd Monday @ 7pm

Worship Committee
1st Tuesday @ 7 pm

CE & O Committee
2nd Tuesday @ 7 pm


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